Welcome Hale Eighth Graders and Parents!

Please visit our blog to find out about what we covered in class, homework assignments and our curriculum goals for Language Arts -- Reading and Writing.

Reminders for the Class of 2015 will also be posted.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Language Arts 5-2-14

Today we created an entry in our Purple Journal entitled "Quotes" from our novel.
   for Yale & Harvard it was two-sided -- one side labeled German Youth, the other German Jewish girl.
We completed one quote together for the German Youth using ellipsis.  Students are to add illuminating lines from their story as they continue reading so that when we are finished they can create a "Found Poem."

We recorded and discussed key vocabulary from our unit including:  discrimination, prejudice, NAZIs, identity, Media, etc.  (get notes from a fellow classmate or stay after to record from powerpoint).

Princeton continued page by page to tell the story of Elie Wiesel.

Harvard's teams continued to work on posters showing how Hitler gained power.

ALL corrected Simple Solutions #71

ALL Simple Solutions #72
(Test will be Tuesday; packet on lessons 69, 70, 71, 72 due at that time)

Princeton: finish reading Chapter 3 and create a memoir box
Yale & Harvard: finish reading Chapter 8 and create a memoir box  (Be prepared for Test on chapters 1-8)

Princeton extra credit:  research the Nobel Peace Prize; what it is; how is it awarded; who has won & why.
Look for Elie Wiesel's name.  List your sources.

Bonus for those checking the blog this weekend:
    On a sheet of looseleaf paper........ Write this quote in ink.... Have the proper heading on your paper
(fourth line - BONUS - reading or writing);  no squiggles at the edges of the paper and you get a bonus for checking the blog!!!!
"History is the story of our lives.  How did we become the country and people that we are today?
How did I become the person I am today?  In our history lies the answer."

(Don't tell your friends!  You can recommend that they check the blog, but don't tell them why.  Let's see how many Bonus Sheets I get

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