Welcome Hale Eighth Graders and Parents!

Please visit our blog to find out about what we covered in class, homework assignments and our curriculum goals for Language Arts -- Reading and Writing.

Reminders for the Class of 2015 will also be posted.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thursday, April 30th, 2015

Journal entry
    "all the glitters is not gold" -- CLOSE READING!!  interpret

    "All the world's a stage......"

We took our Parallel Journeys test on chapters 9-17; we corrected in class & reviewed chapters 16 & 17.

We took notes on Poetry, discussed our Poetry group project & met in groups.

We handed in our short write on Chapters 15, 16, 17.


Read 18 & 19 of Parallel Journeys, do a Think & Note

Your two original poems are due...."If I were in Charge of the World..."
and a poem with rhyme modeled after "The Germ" by Ogden Nash.

SADLIER LESSON 4 delayed due date until Monday!!; Quiz will be taken then.

    In honor of National Police Week....write a card thanking a police officer.  Address it
"Dear Officer,"  sign only your first name,  grade level and Nathan Hale School -- due tomorrow!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Wednesday, April 29th, 2015

Today we discussed and identified key terms from Chapters 11 to 14 of Parallel Journeys.  We read most of Chapter 15 together and worked on a Think and Note together.

We completed a Short Write choosing to present
    Alfon's rise in the Hitler Youth to a pilot
    Describe deportation
    Describe procedures at the concentration camp
    The assassination attempt on Hitler's life

(we highlighted leads and underlined thesis statements).

We took our Simple Solutions test.

Sadlier lesson 4 due Friday; we will take our quiz
Poems (delayed until Friday)
Finish reading Chapter 15, read 16, & 17;  create a Think and Note; prepare for test tomorrow on Chapters 9 to 17.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Monday and Tuesday, April 27th & 28th, 2015

    Catch up on current assignments or missing work in between.
    Read your Parallel Journeys.

What's coming up:

     Think and Notes on Chapters 11 & 12, 13 & 14 due for Parallel Journeys
     We'll be reading 15-17 and getting ready for TEST #2 on chapters 9 to 17
     Simple Solutions Test on Chapters 69-72

      Poems due
      Test -- Parallel Journeys #2

      Sadlier Lesson 4 due
      Think and Note due on Chapters 18 & 19 Parallel Journeys

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Poems -- Create Your Own -- due 4/30

1. Choose a noun to describe; create your own poem with rhyme and rhythm modeled after Ogden Nash's "The Germ"
 The Germ   by Ogden Nash
 A mighty creature is the germ,
 Though smaller than the pachyderm.
 His customary dwelling place
 Is deep within the human race.
 His childish pride he often pleases
 By giving people strange diseases.
 Do you, my poppet, feel infirm?

 You probably contain a germ.

2. Create your original "If I were in Charge of the World" modeled after Judy Viorst's poem...
If I were in charge of the world
I'd cancel oatmeal,
Monday mornings,
Allergy shots, and also Sara Steinberg.

If I were in charge of the world
There'd be brighter nights lights,
Healthier hamsters, and
Basketball baskets forty eight inches lower.

If I were in charge of the world
You wouldn't have lonely.
You wouldn't have clean.
You wouldn't have bedtimes.
Or "Don't punch your sister."
You wouldn't even have sisters.

If I were in charge of the world
A chocolate sundae with whipped cream and nuts would be a vegetable
All 007 movies would be G,
And a person who sometimes forgot to brush,
And sometimes forgot to flush,
Would still be allowed to be
In charge of the world. 

Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday, April 24th, 2015

Today we completed the Practice Guide for our Simple Solutions Test on Lessons 69-72; we corrected it together.
We completed an "inferencing activity" to prepare for the PARCC test on Monday.
We continued our notes on Poetry, focusing on Sound.
We discussed Parallel Journeys, chapters 9 & 10; students turned in their Think and Notes.
Current events was collected.

Yale & Princeton finished an "exit ticket" to assess their initial knowledge of poetry.

Read Chapters 11 & 12, complete a Think and Note
Read Chapters 13 & 14, complete a Think and Note  (both are due Wednesday, April 29th)

Write your own poems:
1.    "If I was in charge of the world..."
2.    write an 8 line poem using rhythm and rhyme describing a noun (pattern like "A Germ" by Ogden Nash)

Study for first grammar test of quarter on Wednesday April 29th.  Lessons 69-72 (you have the study guide).

Red binders will be collected on Monday for grading.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Today students took a test on chapters 1-8 of Parallel Journeys.  We went over answers together.
Think and Note # 7 & 8 was collected.  We discussed the Non-Aggression Pact between Russia and Germany, its violation, and Hitler's takeover of Holland.

Yale & Princeton corrected SS#72.

All continued notes on Poetry, discussing the element: SOUND --  Rhyme and Rhythm.

Read Chapters 9 & 10, complete an annotation, Think and Note
Current Events due tomorrow
MAP Practice activities (complete one a day and record)
Begin work on an original poem (think of our model "The Germ" by Ogden Nash) -- 8 lines using a rhyme scheme and rhythm (due next Thursday).

8th Grade News:
Monday and Tuesday PARCC testing
Blue Man Group Trip lunch choices & permission slips were passed out today; please return promptly; deadline Wednesday April 29th.
Flocking Flamingoes -- bring in your 25 cents daily!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Students completed a Short Write using their "Think and Note" on Chapters 5 & 6.  Three choices included:
  A. September 1939, W.W. II declared after Germany invaded Poland.  Describe the takeover and how the Germans treated the Poles after the invasion.
B.   Dunkirk.  Describe what happened.
C.   How did Germany's takeover of Holland affect Helen's life?

Students took down definitions of vocabulary words (prejudice, stereotypes, bias, etc.)

We corrected Simple Solutions #71.

Poetry Unit:
    Reviewed "FFISS" and took notes on Form and Sound.

Read Chapters 7 & 8 in Parallel Journeys (annotate on a Think and Note).
Finish Simple Solutions #72
Current event due Friday
MAP practice (daily 15 minutes!)
Binder signature

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Holocaust & WW II:
Students completed a Short Write using their "Think and Note" from Parallel Journeys chapters 3 & 4.  They edited and handed both in.  What was "Kristallnacht?" was the prompt.

We discussed Hitler's rise to power, his gradual isolation eventual extermination policies called the Final Solution.

Shakespeare test corrections were handed in.
(Princeton worked on corrections during class and used chrome books to complete an online review tool for MAP)

Students began taking notes as we continued our unit on Poetry.
Students are to memorize the five elements of Poetry for tomorrow: FFISS (Form, Figurative Language, Imagery, Speaker, Sound)

Read chapters 5 & 6 in Parallel Journeys and complete a Think & Note.
Simple Solutions #72
Current events due Friday (see newslea.com for articles or choose one from internet).
Review activities for MAP continue (you should be doing one 15 minute activity per evening from one of three websites -- the sosa....,  Compass Learning....or www.prepdogs.org
(Ms. Urbinati attached the Reading activities to her website for easier access.)

Monday, April 20, 2015

Monday, April 20th, 2015

Students completed a Short Write using their "Think & Note" from Chapters 1 & 2 of Parallel Journeys.  Students chose one of two prompts:
A.  How did Hitler gain the support of the youth?
B.  How steps did Hitler take to isolate the Jewish people?

Yale & Harvard peer-edited.  Both the Short Write and Think & Note were collected.  A discussion followed.

Students received a log to record their practice for the NWEA MAP test.  The site was shown & an example practice activity was completed.  Students can use either Compass Learning or the sosa site for activities. Students should be practicing 15 minutes per day.

We  began our poetry unit by reading, discussing and copying "What is Success?" by Ralph Waldo Emerson (page 207 in the Green Literature book);  these were collected.

Drama vocabulary test corrections were collected. (write out the word & definition 5X)
Shakespeare test corrections should be finished by Wednesday.  Write out the question and answer once.

Read chapters 3 & 4 of Parallel Journeys; complete a two-sided Think and Note (annotation of the two chapters)
Simple Solutions #71
NWEA practice activity

Friday, April 17, 2015

Friday, April 17th, 2015

Students received test papers back & began corrections on the Drama Vocabulary and the Shakespeare test.  Finish drama vocab corrections (5x each) for Monday if you did not finish.

We received our new novel, Parallel Journeys, a non-fiction story of a Hitler Youth and a Jewish girl during the Nazi Holocaust.  We began a "Think and Note" together and read the introduction.
Read chapters 1 and 2 and complete the Think and Note (you should fill both sides of your looseleaf with notes, vocab, questions, thoughts)

We watched pieces of the movie, Romeo and Juliet.

Yale peer edited their Shakespearean Research project.
All sections handed it in.

Read Chapters 1 & 2 of our novel, complete Think and Note.
Finish vocabulary corrections from Drama test.
check the portal to examine your grade -- every point counts!!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Wednesday, April 15th, 2015

Today students completed performance assessments on our unit on Drama and Shakespeare.
An objective test on Romeo & Juliet and Shakespeare's life.
A vocabulary test on drama vocab
Letter to the Prince of Verona completed on our chrome books indicating who was most guilty for Romeo and Juliet's deaths.

Students learned how to create a Google doc and share it.

      8th Grade students accompany their parents to Parent Teacher Conferences on Thursday.

      Sadlier Lesson 4 -- complete activity for the 20 words (Book A & B -- bubbles with definitions, synonyms, antonyms) (Book C - chart with same information); use color!  Due Friday.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tuesday, April 14th, 2015 -- STUDY GUIDE Romeo &Juliet/Drama/Shakespeare

Today we completed our dramatic reading of Romeo and Juliet; we discussed who was most guilty for their demise.  We gathered evidence from our book and entered it on Journal entry #2.
We recorded the proper procedure to construct a "block style" letter to the Prince of Verona.

We began watching a video reviewing the importance of Shakespeare in our world.

We corrected SS #69.

Prepare for tests on Romeo &Juliet, drama vocabulary & Shakespeare
    Part 1:   drama vocabulary
catharsis, prop, thespians, acts, scenes, soliloquy, monologue, aside, cast, playwright, script, dialogue, stage
    Part 2:  Who was Shakespeare?
where was he born?
When was he born?
What was his group of actors called?
What theatre did he perform at?
How many words did he invent?
What monarch rules during most of his writing career?
   Short answer:   name the three categories of his work
                            name the three titles or roles he had in his career
                            name the 14 line poem he is famous for
                            name the rhythm that Shakespeare used in writing this 14 line poem
    Part 3:  The story of Romeo and Juliet
    Part 4:  Write a letter to the Prince of Verona proving who you thought was most guilty for Romeo and Juliet's death.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Monday, April 13th, 2015

Welcome Back from Spring Break!
   Be prepared, stay alert, do your work, study & be at school -- this quarter goes by quick!

Today we continued our dramatic reading of Romeo and Juliet;  our test on Shakespeare and the play will be on Wednesday.  On Wednesday, you will also have to prove who you think is most responsible for the tragedy and use proofs from the play to support your choice.

Princeton & Yale:
worked on Journal entry #1 --
Literary Elements (Character) as we began reviewing for the MAP test in May.

They also worked on a review sheet on Shakespeare.

SS #69
Research Project due Friday 4/17
      find 5 quotations or idioms that we received from Shakespeare
      explain each
      find 10 words that are attributed to Shakespeare (he gave us between 2 and 3 thousand -- just look online!)
      define these words
      give the part of speech
      list your sources (properly)

Begin determining who you believe is most guilty in the Romeo and Juliet tragedy; tomorrow you will continue planning your answer and Wednesday we will construct our letter to the Prince of Verona in class.

(CHECK GRADES -- students who were absent April 1st and/or April 2nd need to be sure that all work is made up for the 4th quarter;  tests were taken on our novels, packets handed in; short writes completed.)

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Wednesday, April 1st, 2015

Princeton and Yale took their objective test on their novel.
All sections continued their dramatic presentation of Romeo and Juliet.
Harvard handed in their packet on Iraqi Girl.

Students received a sheet for their binders showing how to organize their papers.
Binders will be checked after Spring break.

Purple Journals will be collected tomorrow for grading.

Short Writes on novels will be completed tomorrow.  (Graphic organizers and theme charts will be collected as part of the performance assessment for this unit).