Welcome Hale Eighth Graders and Parents!

Please visit our blog to find out about what we covered in class, homework assignments and our curriculum goals for Language Arts -- Reading and Writing.

Reminders for the Class of 2015 will also be posted.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday February 27, 2017

Today we reviewed our Inference Assessment; Harvard reviewed the Jack London objective test also.
Princeton & Yale reviewed our journal entry on "the truth."  Yale & Harvard recorded Part I vocabulary for our novel.
We corrected Simple Solutions #57 & reviewed Verbals: participles, gerunds, infinitives.
We received our character study charts for Phillip Malloy and Margaret Narwin. We began our Readers' Theatre of our novel.

Nothing but the Truth: read pages 1-19 and begin filling in the character studies.
SS #58
Sadlier Vocabulary Lesson 2 -- should be completed by Monday.

DON'T Forget --  8th Grade Pictures on Monday
Boys should be in shirts and ties; Girls in appropriate dresses or pants & tops (not too low, not too tight, not too short);  you can bring your uniform to change into.

Character Study
The Character:


1. What others
think of him?
Effect on other characters?

2. His/her thoughts

3. His/her speech

4. His/her appearance

5. His/her actions

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thursday February 26 2015

Today we took our Simple Solutions #14 test on lessons 53-56.
To prepare for our next novel, we watched a video on "Morals & Ethics" and took notes.
As teams, we constructed our visions of correct behavior, values and identified those who help us learn these behaviors.
We took notes on the life of Avi, our new author.

We wrote out the six vocabulary words for Part I.
}contemporary – happening or beginning now or in recent times;  existing or happening in the same time period
}controversial – relating or causing much discussion, disagreement or argument; likely to produce disagreement (controversy)

}potential – capable of becoming real
}reluctantly – feeling or showing doubt about doing something; not willing or eager to do something
}leisurely – not hurried; slow and relaxed
vigilant – carefully noticing problems or signs of danger

Yale and Princeton received copies of their new novel.  Princeton began a readers' theatre.
Harvard completed Journal entry #2 on Genres and completed a classification exercise.

Test corrections for SS13 were collected.

SS #57
Sadlier vocabulary Lesson 2; continue next two activities
Complete Journal entry
Nothing but the Truth  by Avi
“Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the Truth?”  “Does anyone say no?”

1. Is telling only part of the truth dishonest? 
2.  Are there situations in which unfairness to an individual is justified? 
3. Should a person always tell the truth even I f the truth will hurt others? 
4. Does justice require more than the enforcement of rules?

5. Are there circumstances when rules should be broken?

8th Grade News:  Trip and luncheon balance due tomorrow

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Wednesday, February 25th, 2015

Today Princeton & Yale completed a review exercise on Genres in their journal.   This became entry #1.  Yale and Harvard were given an extra 15 minutes to finish their Jack London five paragraph essay.
Simple Solutions #56 and the Review Guide were graded.
Socratic Discussions were conducted.   Topics revolved around ethics, morals, values & the Jackie Robinson Baseball team situation.

Vocabulary Lesson #2 in Sadlier (next set of words #11-20); begin next activity
Simple Solutions test on #53-56 tomorrow
Binder signature

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tuesday, February 24th, 2015

Awards Assembly today!  Congratulations on those achieving perfect attendance first semester & high growth and scores on MAP testing!

Today we recorded the definitions of ethics, values & morals.
We took our Grammar Retest.
We took our test on "The King of Mazy May" and "Eyewitness" by Jack London.  We assembled our Jack London packets and wrote our performance assessment:  "How did Jack London's life experiences influence his writing?"
Harvard handed in journals.  Yale & Princeton received theirs back.

Sadlier Vocabulary: Lesson 2 (bubbles/charts)
Simple Solutions #53-56 Review Sheet
Discuss with your parents & list your family's morals, ethics & values to prepare for a Socratic discussion tomorrow.

Test corrections from Test #13 will be collected tomorrow as well as the current event on Jackie Robinson Baseball team.

8th Grade news:
       this Friday -- second deposit due for 8th grade field trip & luncheon.
       those who missed the chance to attend the field trip can still bring $40.00 to attend the luncheon/dance at Maggiano's.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Monday, February 23rd, 2015

Today the 8th grade went to Ford City Theatres to see Selma.

Sadlier Vocabulary Lesson 2 (first 10 words -- bubbles or chart)
Have Jack London outline for your performance assessment complete.
Grammar test retakes tomorrow.
Test corrections due on SS#13.

Friday, February 20, 2015

February 16th through February 20th, 2015

Monday, February 16th -- PRESIDENTS DAY -- No School

Tuesday, February 17th --
     "The King of Mazy May" -- (p. 148)  Copy definitions and part of speech for vocabulary words
Created a Think and Note as students listened to the story.  Completed a short write (summarizing the story by Jack London).
      Corrected SS #54

Homework: finish story & short write; finish unit One Sadlier Vocabulary
Simple Solutions #55

Wednesday, February 18th --
    ""The Story of an Eyewitness" -- (p. 159)  copy 10 vocabulary words, define & give part of speech.
Students created a chronological list of the events in the non-fiction piece.
Complete the Grammar and vocabulary exercises on page 167 -- answers only.
Corrected Simple Solutions #55

Homework: finish story, list of events & grammar exercises for homework.
Simple Solutions #56

Thursday, February 19th -- COLD DAY -- No School

Friday, February 20th (8:15 a.m. meeting with parents of students off-track)
   Read pages 168-169 "Letter to His Publisher" -- took notes in our red notebook
   Read pages 170-171 "Author's Style" -- took notes in our red notebook
Examined pages 172-173 -- record major novels written by Jack London
Received TEST #13 Simple Solutions back;  reviewed & entered correct answers.  Corrections due Monday.

Princeton:  SCOPE Magazine -- writing assessment; read two articles, created leads & thesis statements
Harvard & Yale:  read excerpt from The Call of the Wild; answered and reviewed vocabulary comprehension questions.

Test corrections #13 Simple Solutions
Create an outline for your performance assessment  "How did Jack London's life experiences influence his writing?"  Structure it in 5 paragraphs -- plan these out using bullet points (what info will you include in each section)
Yale & Princeton:  GRAMMAR TEST retake on Tuesday, February 24th
All: SS 13 test retakes on Tuesday am or pm
Vocabulary Lesson One -- Test on Tuesday (packets will be handed in)

Assignment collection next week:
    Current Event on Jackie Robinson

8th Grade News:
    Graduation pictures rescheduled for Monday March 2nd


Friday, February 13, 2015

Friday, February 13th, 2015

Today we completed an assessment of our inferencing skills.
We corrected SS #53.
We completed a listening grade by watching a video on Jack London and answering questions.
We finished our power point on Jack's life and his writing.
Princeton read an excerpt from Call of the Wild.

SS#54 due Tuesday
Sadlier Vocabulary activity (entire unit should be completed by next Thursday).
Current Events due Tuesday
    Point/Counterpoint on the Jackie Robinson Baseball Team situation.

      List title of articles and underline sources.
      Write a summary paragraph (3-5 sentences)
       Make a chart showing the evidence on both sides
*                                             *
*                                             *
*                                             *

Short paragraph showing your opinion supported by evidence you found.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thursday, February 12th, 2015

Today's journal entry -- Free Write.  Students then highlighted titles, dates & numbers of entries to prepare for grading.  Yale & Princeton turned their journals in today.

We took the Simple Solutions Test #13.  Students handed in test corrections on #12 and the Grammar Test.  Retakes are tomorrow morning and after school.

We viewed and discussed a power point on the life of Jack London.  Notes were taken as we kept in mind our performance assessment:
   How did the life experiences of Jack London affect his work?

SS #53
Read and outline on looseleaf pages 144-147. (Use a traditional outline format).
Continue vocabulary exercises (Synonyms & antonyms -- write these out). -- due Tuesday.

  tomorrow is the last day to commit yourself to the 8th grade Trip.  Deposit or payment in full must be made by noon.

    look up the Per capita income, life expectancy, and literacy rate.
List the five countries with the highest PCI and the five with the lowest.  Add the other two statistics.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Journal entry continued with our Sadlier Vocabulary -- choose two words that are challenging; copy the sentence given in the book and insert the new word;  then choose two words that you can add to your vocabulary now and write two sentences using each word.

Students completed a Guided Review Sheet for our Simple Solutions test tomorrow.
We corrected SS#52 and the review sheet.

Harvard & Yale finished the Readers' Theatre "Robin Hood" and read some informational text excerpts about Medieval Times.

All sections discussed "The Judgment of Paris," a Greek Myth that was assigned.  We examined our comprehension questions and handed them in.

Princeton & Yale began their study of Jack London.

SS Test on Lessons 49-52
All test corrections on Test #12 and Grammar due tomorrow (some students already handed theirs in).
Binder signature (organize your binder!)  Parents please don't just sign the white paper; make the kids show you their work.  They should be showing you two tests from the past week on grammar and guided reading sheets on folktales.
Sadlier Vocabulary -- the next exercise (completing the sentence or choosing the right word)
(answer only on looseleaf).
Be sure all journal entries are complete.  I'll be collecting them beginning tomorrow.

Remember field trip forms and $$ due Friday.
A note went home today about the field trip.  Ford City is opening the theatre just for Hale students for a private showing of Selma.  Chaperones welcome.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tuesday, February 10th, 2015

This morning was the Parent Meeting for students "off-track" for graduation.  Those who attended received their children's report cards.  If your parent did not attend and did not contact the teachers, your report card was mailed with information on a followup meeting on Friday, February 20th at 8:15 am.

In Class:
Journal entry #10 or #11 depending on section:
    Determine the two most difficult words for you in your Sadlier Vocab lesson (1-10);  copy the sentence from the book inserting the word.  Create two sentences using two other words that you are becoming comfortable with.
The first ten vocabulary word "bubbles" or "charts" were checked.

We corrected our Grammar Tests and began writing corrections (5x each!)
We went over the correct answers for the Simple Solutions Test #12 -- corrections due Thursday.
We discussed Lesson #51 in SS.

In our Purple Common Core book, we began reading our first story, a Greek Myth.  We discussed citing evidence to support conclusions or inferences that we are making.

Origin Myths were collected.

Finish reading the Greek Myth in your Purple Common Core book.  On looseleaf answer questions 1-5 on pages 17 and page 19.
Test corrections for SS test 12 an Grammar test -- due Thursday

Monday, February 9, 2015

Monday February 9th, 2015

Today we graded Simple Solutions #50.  Took our Grammar assessment on the 8 parts of speech and the state of being verbs.  We received our grade sheets in Reading and Writing and evaluated points necessary to meet graduation requirements.  We discussed the difference in points needed based on Spring MAP scores.
We handed in our Take Home Test on the Oral Tradition unit.
We received our field trip permission slip.
We received our new Sadlier vocabulary books and instructions for completing each unit.  We began Unit 1 together.
Yale & Harvard -- began the Readers' Theatre -  "Robin Hood."

SS #51
Origin Myths due tomorrow (should be typed or double spaced)
Sadlier vocabulary: complete the first ten words

Field Trip to see "Selma" forms due Friday, February 13th with $7.00 payment.  No exceptions. We have to confirm our buses.

Upcoming 8th grade news:
Report Cards -- February 10th (some students brought home a note requesting parental pick up of the report card at 7:15 a.m. tomorrow).
Picture Day -- February 19th

Friday, February 6, 2015

Friday, February 6, 2015

Today we listened to "Paul Bunyan" and "The Souls in Purgatory."  We completed a "Think and Note" and a "Short Write."   We reviewed folk tales and the various genres associated with this category of literature.  We reviewed our parts of speech.  We edited a peer's origin myth.
We corrected SS#49 and handed in our Genre charts.

Complete the Take Home Test on the Folktale Unit.
Study for Grammar test (moved to Monday)

publish your origin myth - type if possible; double space no matter whether written or typed. DUE TUESDAY


Research Urban Legends from the Chicago area.  List two and give a short summary of the legend.  (due Monday)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Thurs. Feb 5

Today we took our Simple Solutions Test and a genre quiz.
We listened to the urban legend "Girl in the Lavender Dress".
We charted our winter MAP scores.
SS 49.
Genre chart- see Wednesday.
Origin myth

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Today we created flash cards for more genres:  legends, fables, tall tales, fairy tales, fantasy.
We completed a review guide for the Simple Solutions test tomorrow.
We discussed "Urban Myths" and listened to "Woman in the Snow."

Binder signature!
drafts of your Origin Myth due tomorrow
Charts -- create two  four box graphic organizers  (define the genre, list the examples we read together of each, find two more examples online)  DUE FRIDAY
    Myth, Tall Tale, Legend, Urban Legend
    Fairy Tale, Fantasy, Folk Tale, Fable
Study for SS Test on 45-48!

BONUS POINTS -- bring in food for the FOOD DRIVE!! and find a PUN about food!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015 & GRAMMAR REVIEW

Today we created flash cards for Folk Ballads and Myths.  We listened to and discussed "Strawberries" and Aunty Misery."  We corrected SS #48 and copies a study guide for Friday's Grammar Test.
All papers were passed back and missing assignment and grading sheets were shared.

Write your own Origin Myth (1-2 pages).  Choose something (thing or idea).  Be creative.  Create a story on how it came to be.  (Draft due Thursday).
Organize your binder putting papers in the correct place.
Begin studying for Grammar Test.

Grammar  (Part I)
Part of Speech
Questions It Answers


Modifies (describes) a noun or pronoun

Which kind, how many, which one?



Modifies (describes) a verb, adjective, or adverb
 How, when, where, or to what extent?



Connects words, phrases, or clauses within a sentence



A word or phrase that expresses strong feeling



Names a person, place, thing or idea

Who or what?


Relates a noun or pronoun to other words in a sentence



Takes the place of a noun

He, she
Myself, their


Expresses action or state of being

What is being done? What is happening?

Is, am

Write the eight forms of be: