Welcome Hale Eighth Graders and Parents!

Please visit our blog to find out about what we covered in class, homework assignments and our curriculum goals for Language Arts -- Reading and Writing.

Reminders for the Class of 2015 will also be posted.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Language Arts 11-26-2013 and Thanksgiving Holiday

Today our DO NOW:

copy words and definitions from pages 770 to 781
   (5 from  Lincoln: A Photobiography and 2 from "O Captain, My Captain")
We took our Simple Solutions Test #9 and handed in our packets
We handed in our Grammar Handbooks which we created from all our Simple Solutions lessons through 25.  Those can now be discarded if you want to clean out your binder.

We examined the poem, "O Captain, My Captain."   We handed in our three questions that we answered after reading the poem.

Harvard submitted their journals;  Yale & Princeton got theirs back.

We discussed the movie GLORY and the assignment for Social Studies.
Complete the RL8.1 worksheet which is the organizer to write a paper.  Most of it should be bullet points or phrases not complete sentences, except for the introduction (restating the thesis) and the lead.  Question is "How is respect earned? 

We received our book report options.


1. Finish reading your novel (this was your choice of book and genre).  Begin work on your book report (you received the sheet with 3 options).  Book report due December 3rd.

2. Continue writing your very own short science fiction story.  Should be about two typed pages but no more than five typed pages.  Rough draft due by Friday, December 6th.

3.  Memorize the first few sentences of the Gettysburg Address for a speaking grade.
Students ready will begin presenting on Tuesday, December 2nd.

4.  Do something nice for your family and take a minute to be thankful for all they have given you.

Happy Thanksgiving.  Enjoy your long holiday break.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Language Arts 11-25-13

Today we completed a review for our Simple Solutions Test tomorrow.  Three sentences with directions and suggestions for studying were entered into our Black & White composition notebook.
We corrected Simple Solutions #35 & 36. 

Yale & Princeton handed in their Purple/Black Reading journals for grading.
Current Events was collected.

We took notes on Non-fiction.
We watched a short video on the Gettysburg Address, highlighted the parts of the speech we have to memorize to present to the class for a "speaking grade," and completed a paraphrasing exercise with a partner.

Packets for Simple Solutions will be collected on Tuesday as we take the test on lessons 33, 34, 35, 36.
Grammar handbooks which we began last week are due  (write or type all bolded grammatical principles with an example if it would help you understand -- we are creating a grammar study guide).
Green literature book:  read page 780 "O Captain, My Captain" and complete questions #1, 3, 4
on page 781

Harvard journals will be collected on Tuesday.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Language Arts 11-22-2013

Today we completed a journal entry on
John Fitzgerald Kennedy  (we bullet pointed all we knew about him; we added to our entry after we watched the video and read an article about his assassination)
We completed a Listening Activity by watching a short video on JFK and answering 10 multiple choice questions;  we corrected this in class & discussed.
We analyzed the excerpt we read from Lincoln: A Photobiography and handed in our "Think and Note" sheet.  We took notes on Abe Lincoln in our journal from a power point.
We examined "coincidences" between Lincoln and Kennedy.
We read a SCOPE article on the day Kennedy was assassinated.

Current Event due Monday
Simple Solutions Test will be on Tuesday
work on SciFi story,  read your novel

Know what your RIT score is (found on the NWEA MAP sheet you have in your binder)!
Ask someone over 55 if they remember the day Kennedy was shot.  What were they doing... how did they get the news.... how did they feel....what did they remember?

8th Grade News:
A blue stapled paper was passed out in all Language Arts classes today from the 8th Grade Parent Committee.  It was about the 8th Grade trip to Blue Man Group.  A deposit is required and due in December.  Please check all particulars on this handout.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Language Arts 11-21-13

Took notes on "Active Listening"
We took a comprehension test on "The Secret" by Arthur Clarke.
We took our SciFi test.

Graded SS #35

Do SS # 36
Read pages 769-775 Lincoln, A Photobiography in your Green Literature book.
Create a "Think and Note" as you read.
Compass Learning activities online

Language Arts 11-21-13

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Language 11-20-13

Papers returned, organized in portfolios.
Clean-out procedure:  Simple Solutions # 1-24  (create a grammar mini-handbook -- type or write grammar principles that are bolded;  include an example), then discard.
Hunger Games:  keep your paper and choose three pieces of your best work to keep; others can be discarded.
Current Events:  keep "Are You A Loser" which is the model, others can be discarded

Corrected Simple Solutions #34,  #35 I homework

Finished notes on SciFi authors; did a review for tomorrow's test
Corrected the Orson Welles worksheet; watched part of a video of the original broadcast.

Read aloud "The Secret." by Arthur Clarke.

Study for Sci Fi Test on Thursday
SS #35
begin work on grammar mini-handbook
get portfolio signed

Yale & Princeton:  write a letter to Santa asking for something for a child with a life-threatening illness or a gift to make the world a better place (writing grade & fundraiser for Make A Wish)

Harvard:  also read another story from Scope Magazine and poem on SciFi.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Language Arts 11-19-2013

Read a SCOPE article entitled "Welcome to the Future."  As a journal entry, students jotted down the 12 projected changes and created three of their own.  Class discussed feeling the author had about the future.  Introduced the literary element, tone.

Took notes in our Red notebook on tone, looked at examples.  (Students were asked to go home tonight and explain Tone to someone.)

Yale & Princeton: corrected Simple Solutions #33.  Handed in "Rain, Rain Go Away" homework assignment.
Yale & Harvard handed in Sci Fi Poems

Yale & Princeton:  read an article about Orson Welles and answer the questions on the back of the story sheet.
Tell someone about Tone.
Simple Solutions #34
Read your novel.

write a letter to Santa for Make A Wish.
Simple Solutions #34
Read your novel.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Language 11-18-2013

DO NOW:  copied a chart with five vocabulary words from "Rain, Rain Go Away."  Reviewed as a class the definition, origin, root word and meaning.
Took Simple Solutions Test on Lessons 29, 30, 31, 32; handed in packet.
(Princeton handed in SciFi Poem; Yale will examine theirs tomorrow & hand in)
Listened to Isaac Asimov's short story: "Rain, rain Go Away."   Constructed a "Think and Note" sheet.  Used their Think and Note to complete a selection objective test.  Went over answers together.
complete a chart comparing the neighbors (three examples each)
         Evidence of how they were normal                  Evidence of how they were unusual

List three examples of how Asimov foreshadowed the ending of this SciFi story.
Simple Solutions #33
Read your student choice novel.

Same as above except completed "Rain, Rain Go Away" selection test in class.
Simple Solutions #33
Read article on Orson Welles and complete questions.
Read your novel.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Language Arts 11-15-2013


Journal entry:  two science fiction settings; write as if you are the narrator telling story (in your purple journal)
Begin writing your own Science Fiction short story -- this is the writing project due when we return form Thanksgiving break.
Checked in portfolios signed by parents.
Collected three-part book reports (pop up settings with details from book,  three typed paragraphs describing sci-fi, elements in your book, and your evaluation if your book was sci fi or not,  character trait chart show three traits with three pieces of evidence from text each)
Power point - reviewed elements of science fiction
Flash card created on Trilogy

Read Green Literature 587 -- took notes on e.e. cummings and May Swenson;  read two Sci Fi poems and analyzed as partners, then group.

Write your own Sci Fi poem using May Swenson's as a model (it should be a riddle -- see text)
Find a novel to read -- your choice any genre, lower than your lexile to read for enjoyment.
Study for Simple Solutions Test on Lessons 29,30,31,32

(Harvard -- took their Simple Solutions Test on Friday 11/15)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Language 11-14-13

   Took notes on authors of Science Fiction.  Completed a journal entry which included four statements that we had to agree or disagree with; had a discussion to explain our answers.  Read an excerpt from The Martian Chronicles.  Conducted a Think Aloud as we read the story.  Pairs completed three followup comprehension questions.

Corrected Simple Solutions #32.  

Harvard: collected book reports

Handed out Sleepy Hollow packets, Benchmark Test,  Hunger Games Essay, etc.  Portfolios must be signed tonight.

Book Reports due tomorrow  11/15
Get portfolio signed

Simple Solutions Test on Friday; lessons 29, 30, 31, 32
Get portfolio signed.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Language Arts 11-13-13

What We Did Today:

Created flashcards for Science Fiction, Figurative Language, Pseudonym, Alliteration, Consonance, Assonance

Finished reading "One Week and Counting."  constructed a 7-10 sentence summary and evaluation if the story was Science Fiction

Handed in Current Events
Simple Solutions -- corrected 31; 32 is for homework

Continued power point notes on Science Fiction writers; organized flash cards into categories
Corrected Current Events and handed in
Began reading 549 in Green literature book & taking notes

Simple Solutions 32
Work on Book report  (Harvard due Thursday 11/14, Yale/Princeton due 11/15)
Portfolios will be signed Thursday evening this week.

return report cards signed, envelopes & promotion policy slip

please get your supplies in; we're running out of paper!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Language Arts 11-8-2013

Princeton, Yale & Harvard:

In class today:

"Legend of Sleepy Hollow" project collected.

Journal entry (purple journal)
    How does the science fiction genre differ from other fiction genres?  What books have you read that are scifi?  What makes a book science fiction?

Took notes on Science fiction.

Watched a video on SciFi, took notes & summarized.

(Princeton & Harvard):
read "One Week and Counting"  summarized and determined if it met SciFi requirements.

All went over book report requirements:
Corrected due dates:   Harvard 11/14,   Princeton & Yale 11/15

Current Events weekend, due 11/13
work on book report
organize your portfolio

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Language Arts 11-7-13

Journal entry (Purple Journal) on MAP testing and District Promotion Policy -- students journaled on what they can do to be successful both focusing in the classrooms during instruction and on that day in the lab.
       Corrected Simple Solutions lessons 29 & 30.  Homework tonight is Lesson 31.
        Finished our notes on Washington Irving and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow."  Created a flashcard for our decks on "Satire."
        Worked on completing our Project on the "Legend of Sleepy Hollow" which is due tomorrow.
Simple Solutions #31
Finish your "Legend of Sleepy Hollow" Project.
Read your Sci Fi novel.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Language Arts 11-6-13

All three sections took their CPS first quarter Benchmark exam in Language Arts.  The new exams are formatted to the new Common Core curriculum requiring students to make inferences and prove them with text evidence.  Students examined the poetry of Robert Frost -- "The Road Not Taken."

Students took their Literary Elements skill test on plot and theme.  This was an objective test.  Students were given the questions on Monday in their journal entry.

Corrections on the Root word test were turned in. 

Journal entry today:  pages in the Grammar book on transitive and intransitive verbs

Students had time to work on "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" project which is due on Friday 11/8/13.

continue reading your SciFi novel  (book report due dates:  Harvard 11/14,  Yale & Princeton 11/16)
Simple Solutions  30
Get your portfolio examined and parent signature sheet signed.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Language Arts 11-5-13

All sections:

Took the Simple Solutions Test #7 on lessons 25, 26, 27, 28; packets handed in.
took Part I of the CPS Benchmark Test Quarter One.
Collected 5 paragraph essays
Collected self-evaluation
collected Simple Solutions Packet

work on "Legend of Sleepy Hollow" assignment
read your scifi novel
Complete Simple Solutions #29

Monday, November 4, 2013

Language Arts 11-4-13

Princeton, Yale and Harvard:
    Corrected Simple Solutions #28
    Journal entry:  created a study guide for Skill Test on Wednesday covering Plot and Theme
    Created two flashcards on Flashback and foreshadowing
    Received grades for Reading and Writing 1st Quarter,  examined our points toward graduation, began a self-evaluation which is due Tuesday 11/5.
    Took our comprehension test on "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and the Root word quiz on 10 root words.
    Practiced interpreting poems and finding themes.

    Study for Simple Solutions Test on Lessons 25, 26, 27, 28  (review transitive and intransitive verbs, prepositions and prepositional phrases)
    Five paragraph essay final due on The Hunger Games: Book vs. Movie
    Finish Self-evaluation
    Continue reading your SciFi novel

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Second Quarter 2013


1.  Compass Learning:
   exercises have been assigned to each of you in Language Arts for our NWEA MAP testing that is coming up late November/early December.
   I will get a weekly report showing me which activities you have completed.  This will count as a grade, so be sure to log on at home or during computers and work on Compass Learning.

2.  Simple  Solutions:
Test on Lessons 25, 26, 27, 28

3.  Skill tests   *** Literary elements (focus on plot and them, review of point of view, characterization and setting) and literary techniques (irony), and connotation/denotation.
                        ***Figurative Language

4.  Comprehension test on "Legend of Sleepy Hollow"   (we read the story together in class on Wednesday & Thursday; you will be working on a project on Monday after taking your comprehension test; you began this project on Thursday.)  Project is due on Friday, November 8th.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Language Arts 11-1-13

Language Arts  -----   November 1st, 2013

Beginning of Second Quarter, 2013
       Time to clean out your locker, folders, straighten papers, file, get new supplies.
       Evaluate what you did right this past quarter and what you did wrong.  What changes do you need to make to meet your goals?
      Are you focused?  Do you give 100% during each class?  Are you completing all your work?  Are you proud of your work and your accomplishments?  Have you sought help when you needed it?

Language Arts 10-31-13

All sections:
Complete a journal entry detailing nine prefixes and roots with definitions and examples in preparation for Quiz on Monday Nov. 4th.
Completed our Readers' Theatre of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"
Took powerpoint notes on Washington Irving and his writing.
Discussed project based on our story and began first portion.

Theme poem with topic and theme statement due 11/4
Five paragraph essay (final - double-spaced written or type) on changes between the book and movie of The Hunger Games due 11/5
Study for quiz on roots.

Read your scifi novel.

Happy Halloween!