Welcome Hale Eighth Graders and Parents!

Please visit our blog to find out about what we covered in class, homework assignments and our curriculum goals for Language Arts -- Reading and Writing.

Reminders for the Class of 2015 will also be posted.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Language Arts Saturday, September 21st, 2013

Greetings Class of 2014,


Friday, September 20th Homework due 9/23/13

Princeton & Yale:
read The Hunger Games Chapters 3 & 4,  complete a "Think and Note" sheet on each chapter;  it should be at least one page each;  stop to note sequence of events, vocab words, great lines from the story, questions you have, predictions, etc. (put down page #s -- you'll find it much easier to complete writing assignments that request that you use textural evidence -- you'll be able to turn to the page & look it up rather than paging through the novel again!)
Talk to someone about the novel & what is going on!

Simple Solutions Lesson 10
read Chapter 4 and complete the assigned job your team gave you.  Be maintaining your "Think and Note" sheets that we began the first chapter.
Simple Solutions 9 & 10

Grammar reviews -- if you are still struggling with the Simple Solutions Tests you need to:
1. do the lessons! (test comes directly from the lesson;  even some of the questions are the same!)
2. correct your lesson when we do so in class with a red pen that shows you what you have to go over & study
3. use the HELP pages at the end of the book to figure out ones that you are unsure of
4. google online "Grammar reviews" or use the websites I gave you to review

Rewrite your "Letter Home from the West" for Wednesday,  9/25/13
This is your final!   Have your complete packet ready.  1. brainstorm sheet we did together 2. rough draft  3. editor's sheet (if you didn't have your homework last week, you will have to find someone to edit your work)  4. final letter (do not put your heading, just sign your first and last name to the letter; put on a date (remember you're in the 1850s, 60s, etc. depending on which events you are referencing from history).

Do something kind for someone that no one asked you to do!

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