Greetings Class of 2013!
Hope you have enjoyed celebrating with your families, sleeping in late, and enjoying good times with friends.
Remember to keep track of books you've read -- I know some of you are finishing Mockingjay.
Some of you are looking for extra credit for English/Writing -- use the novel and find four key sentences. Identify the nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, articles, prepositions and conjunctions within.
READ!! All should be reading a non-fiction book on a topic that stems from your Social Studies focus of the Civil War, leading to Civil War, or reconsturction.
GENEALOGY PROJECT: I hope you have worked on your research for your Genealogy project. Remember your holiday task was to talk to relatives and draw out how you are related, trying to go as far back as possible. List relatives' names, dates of birth if available, countries of birth.
Did you find that one special person in your family that you wanted to interview? Generate a set of questions before you sit down with them.
Your papers have been graded. Grades are posted in Gradebook. Check for any missing work. There are a few people who were absent who need to see me after the holiday to have your Science Fair procedures graded.
Remember after the holiday -- anything not handed in on the due date will only be able to achieve a total of 70%; late work will not be accepted more than one week late.
Congrats to those hard-working students who are maintaining As and Bs despite all the distractions we had in December.
Those whose averages are not at 78% for both first and second quarter are in jeopardy of not graduating with your class. First, be sure you have no missing assignments; second, spend more time studying for exams; third, see me before school from 7:00 - 7:40 if there are concepts you don't understand or need help with!
Happy 2013!
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