Today we read pages 20-25 in our Romeo and Juliet book; we practiced outlining with the life of Shakespeare from our reading. This was a journal entry (remember the Journal this time will be an assessment grade since we are completing many of our activities for our play in the purple journal).
We paraphrased the prologue and began acting out Act 1, Scenes 1, 2, & 3.
We corrected Simple Solutions #62 & 63.
ALL: Simple Solutions #64
Princeton: The Skin I'm In -- complete a three step as you continue reading your novel (chapters 8, 9, 10, 11)
Yale: read Cassette 2A and complete the summary in your booklet.
Harvard: write an article about the information gained in sections 12 & 13.
Diploma sheets must be returned signed
Permission slips for the Dance are due back
Graduation fee of $65.00 due by 4/10/11
Welcome Hale Eighth Graders and Parents!
Please visit our blog to find out about what we covered in class, homework assignments and our curriculum goals for Language Arts -- Reading and Writing.
Reminders for the Class of 2015 will also be posted.
Reminders for the Class of 2015 will also be posted.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Friday, March 28, 2014
Language Arts 3-28-14
TODAY we added another journal entry.
We read an article on marriage customs during the Elizabethan Age. We located main ideas and bullet pointed in our journal.
We continued our notes on Shakespeare. We took our vocabulary test on drama vocab. We cast our thespians for Romeo and Juliet. Princeton handed in their finished Coat of arms/shields. Harvard handed in their Breadwinner/Hope Was Here packets and their summaries of the first seven chapters of Nothing But The Truth.
Princeton -- The Skin I'm In read chapters 4, 5, 6, 7; created a summary paragraph and illustration.
Yale: Thirteen Reasons Why read Cassettes 1A and 1B; complete one cassette (draw a line down the middle; label one side 1A and the other 1B; summarize what happened on the drawing and label the cassette with the name of the person Hannah was speaking about).
Harvard -- Nothing but the Truth read chapters 8, 9, 10, 11 (complete a newspaper article telling the facts of what has occurred. -- Remember you are reporters. You are writing an article for a newspaper. Don't use "I';" just give the facts; make the story flow from event to event.
ALL: create a motto for your family to be attached to your Coat of Arms/Shield
We read an article on marriage customs during the Elizabethan Age. We located main ideas and bullet pointed in our journal.
We continued our notes on Shakespeare. We took our vocabulary test on drama vocab. We cast our thespians for Romeo and Juliet. Princeton handed in their finished Coat of arms/shields. Harvard handed in their Breadwinner/Hope Was Here packets and their summaries of the first seven chapters of Nothing But The Truth.
Princeton -- The Skin I'm In read chapters 4, 5, 6, 7; created a summary paragraph and illustration.
Yale: Thirteen Reasons Why read Cassettes 1A and 1B; complete one cassette (draw a line down the middle; label one side 1A and the other 1B; summarize what happened on the drawing and label the cassette with the name of the person Hannah was speaking about).
Harvard -- Nothing but the Truth read chapters 8, 9, 10, 11 (complete a newspaper article telling the facts of what has occurred. -- Remember you are reporters. You are writing an article for a newspaper. Don't use "I';" just give the facts; make the story flow from event to event.
ALL: create a motto for your family to be attached to your Coat of Arms/Shield
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Language Arts 3.27.2014
Today, we read an article about the Elizabethan Age and discussed titles of nobility. We finished our Drama Power point, reviewed our vocab words and took a Brain pop on Drama and took the quiz.
New novels were passed out and introduced.
Princeton: read chapters 1-3 in novel. Do a summary paragraph and illustration.
Complete family shield.
Yale: Design cover of booklet and read first six pages of novel.
Harvard: read sections 1-7 of novel and complete newspaper article summarizing what you read.
All: draft of your personal poem and diamante due tomorrow.
All: study for drama vocabulary test
New novels were passed out and introduced.
Princeton: read chapters 1-3 in novel. Do a summary paragraph and illustration.
Complete family shield.
Yale: Design cover of booklet and read first six pages of novel.
Harvard: read sections 1-7 of novel and complete newspaper article summarizing what you read.
All: draft of your personal poem and diamante due tomorrow.
All: study for drama vocabulary test
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Language Arts 3-26-14
Today was Kennedy Registration Day.
All Language Arts classes took their Literacy Benchmark Exam for 3rd Quarter.
We took notes on Drama.
ALL SS #63, get portfolio signed; finish outline of pages 259-262 on looseleaf (use whichever method of outlining that you are most comfortable with -- traditional outline, t-chart, graphic organizer, etc.)
Princeton --
Yale -- Family Shield (6 - 10 characteristics -- pictures & words on a self-created shield)
Harvard -- Family Shield; finish packets for novels
All Language Arts classes took their Literacy Benchmark Exam for 3rd Quarter.
We took notes on Drama.
ALL SS #63, get portfolio signed; finish outline of pages 259-262 on looseleaf (use whichever method of outlining that you are most comfortable with -- traditional outline, t-chart, graphic organizer, etc.)
Princeton --
Yale -- Family Shield (6 - 10 characteristics -- pictures & words on a self-created shield)
Harvard -- Family Shield; finish packets for novels
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Language Arts 3-25-14
Today we took notes on Drama and recorded new vocabulary for our unit.
We corrected Simple Solutions #61. We discussed vocabulary and the performance assessment. We looked at Missing Assignment reports.
Princeton worked on their team projects.
Harvard met in literature circles.
Princeton: Current events on the Malaysian airplane that is missing. Write out the titles of books and authors of those read during 3rd quarter. SS #62
Yale: Write out the titles of books and authors of those read during 3rd quarter. SS #62; study notes on drama; clean binder, file papers in proper places.
Harvard: Write out the titles of books and authors of those read during 3rd quarter. SS #62
Finish novels and guided reading packets (due Thursday); research from guys due tomorrow (reports will begin).
ALL: RoadtoGrammar (set two of quizzes) 314, 315, 316 (I'll update the first one tomorrow).
We corrected Simple Solutions #61. We discussed vocabulary and the performance assessment. We looked at Missing Assignment reports.
Princeton worked on their team projects.
Harvard met in literature circles.
Princeton: Current events on the Malaysian airplane that is missing. Write out the titles of books and authors of those read during 3rd quarter. SS #62
Yale: Write out the titles of books and authors of those read during 3rd quarter. SS #62; study notes on drama; clean binder, file papers in proper places.
Harvard: Write out the titles of books and authors of those read during 3rd quarter. SS #62
Finish novels and guided reading packets (due Thursday); research from guys due tomorrow (reports will begin).
ALL: RoadtoGrammar (set two of quizzes) 314, 315, 316 (I'll update the first one tomorrow).
Monday, March 24, 2014
Language Arts 3-24-14
Today we took our performance assessments on Thirteen Reasons Why. We wrote our letters to Hannah using the graphic organizers or think and notes we prepared over the weekend. We took an objective test on the novel. We worked on our team project. We handed in our Guided Reading #4 and published poems (significant male in our lives and acrostic).
Complete team job (summary & illustration on index cards or paper)
Simple Solutions #61
We handed in our published poems and Current Events on the Malaysian missing plane. We conducted a Socratic discussion on our novel on "truth" and "ironies." We began our unit on drama and Shakespeare by taking notes on our Enduring Understandings.
SS #61
clean folder, organize papers in portfolio, make sure flash cards are in order
We began our unit on drama and Shakespeare by taking notes on our Enduring Understandings. We began our notes on Drama. We discussed and handed in our current event on the Malaysian airplane.
We worked in literature circles on our novels.
finish novels (Guys -- charts on characters & vocab; begin researching team-assigned topics on Afghanistan)
(Gals -- finish Guided Reading sheet on Chapters 17-21)
SS #61 (Quizzes #1 due today)
(Quizzes #2 will be assigned tomorrow due next Monday)
Today we took our performance assessments on Thirteen Reasons Why. We wrote our letters to Hannah using the graphic organizers or think and notes we prepared over the weekend. We took an objective test on the novel. We worked on our team project. We handed in our Guided Reading #4 and published poems (significant male in our lives and acrostic).
Complete team job (summary & illustration on index cards or paper)
Simple Solutions #61
We handed in our published poems and Current Events on the Malaysian missing plane. We conducted a Socratic discussion on our novel on "truth" and "ironies." We began our unit on drama and Shakespeare by taking notes on our Enduring Understandings.
SS #61
clean folder, organize papers in portfolio, make sure flash cards are in order
We began our unit on drama and Shakespeare by taking notes on our Enduring Understandings. We began our notes on Drama. We discussed and handed in our current event on the Malaysian airplane.
We worked in literature circles on our novels.
finish novels (Guys -- charts on characters & vocab; begin researching team-assigned topics on Afghanistan)
(Gals -- finish Guided Reading sheet on Chapters 17-21)
SS #61 (Quizzes #1 due today)
(Quizzes #2 will be assigned tomorrow due next Monday)
Friday, March 21, 2014
Language Arts 3-21-14
Today was Dress Down for ISAT. Blue Man Group final payment of $35.00 was due. The total trip fee was $75.00.
Took our Simple Solutions Test on Lessons 57-60; packets were handed in.
Students completed a Poetry Analysis assessment on a Langston Hughes poem and a Gwendolyn Brooks poem. Reading Guide #4 was handed in.
Teams were formed (guys vs. gals). Cassettes were assigned and a job for the weekend.
We edited our "tribute" poems and our acrostic poems.
Complete your team job for 13 Reasons Why.
Create a graphic organizer for a Short Write to Hannah. Include a lead, info about her tale, three reasons why her choice was not correct and a conclusion. The performance assessment will be completed on Monday.
Publish your tribute and acrostic poems.
Took our Simple Solutions Test on Lessons 57-60; packets were handed in.
We edited our "tribute" poems and our acrostic poems.
We finished our poetry analysis of the Langston Hughes and Gwendolyn Brooks poems.
Packets for Nothing But the Truth were collected (Character boxes, graphic organizer analyzing Ms Narwin and Philip, and Discussion questions #3).
Journal entry #1 (Truth in the media).
Current events on the Malaysian airplane.
Took our Simple Solutions Test on Lessons 57-60; packets were handed in.
Took notes on types of poetry.
Socratic discussions on The Skin I'm In were completed.
Current events on the Malaysian airplane.
Read chapters 13 to 16 in your novels; Guys continue chart and vocab; Ladies -- reading guide 13-16.
work on your own creative poetry -- any format, any topic --- drafts due Friday 3/28.
Happy Spring!!
8th Grade Notes:
3/26 -- appointments with Kennedy H.S. Counselors at school in the morning (all classes will be taking the Literacy Benchmark).
4/10 -- $65.00 graduation fee due
Took our Simple Solutions Test on Lessons 57-60; packets were handed in.
Students completed a Poetry Analysis assessment on a Langston Hughes poem and a Gwendolyn Brooks poem. Reading Guide #4 was handed in.
Teams were formed (guys vs. gals). Cassettes were assigned and a job for the weekend.
We edited our "tribute" poems and our acrostic poems.
Complete your team job for 13 Reasons Why.
Create a graphic organizer for a Short Write to Hannah. Include a lead, info about her tale, three reasons why her choice was not correct and a conclusion. The performance assessment will be completed on Monday.
Publish your tribute and acrostic poems.
Took our Simple Solutions Test on Lessons 57-60; packets were handed in.
We edited our "tribute" poems and our acrostic poems.
We finished our poetry analysis of the Langston Hughes and Gwendolyn Brooks poems.
Packets for Nothing But the Truth were collected (Character boxes, graphic organizer analyzing Ms Narwin and Philip, and Discussion questions #3).
Publish your tribute and acrostic poems.Journal entry #1 (Truth in the media).
Current events on the Malaysian airplane.
Took our Simple Solutions Test on Lessons 57-60; packets were handed in.
Took notes on types of poetry.
Socratic discussions on The Skin I'm In were completed.
Current events on the Malaysian airplane.
Read chapters 13 to 16 in your novels; Guys continue chart and vocab; Ladies -- reading guide 13-16.
work on your own creative poetry -- any format, any topic --- drafts due Friday 3/28.
Happy Spring!!
8th Grade Notes:
3/26 -- appointments with Kennedy H.S. Counselors at school in the morning (all classes will be taking the Literacy Benchmark).
4/10 -- $65.00 graduation fee due
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Language Arts 3-20-14
Today we wrote out a study guide for our Simple Solutions Test on Lessons 57-60. We corrected SS Lesson 60 and completed a few practice examples.
Go on; Complete 4 assigned quizzes. Record your scores for Monday.
We worked on test corrections from our poetry/figurative language test. We read Cassette 6B together.
Princeton will finish reading Thirteen Reasons Why and compete Reading Guide #4.
Assemble Simple Solutions Packet & study for test on #57-60.
We took our objective test on Nothing But The Truth. We completed our "Short Write" addressing the following question: "How is NBTT an irony?" We worked on test corrections from our poetry/figurative language test.
Assemble Simple Solutions Packet & study for test on #57-60.
Poems (significant male in your life and acrostic) due tomorrow.
find an article on the missing airplane from Malaysia for a C/E due Monday.
Socratic discussion with Team 2. Whole group evaluation
Read chapters 9-12 of novel; Boys continue vocab and character chart; Ladies -- reading study guide.
8th Grade News --
Graduation announced!!! June 3rd!!! Our attendance has been up! Congratulations 8th Grade.
Tomorrow is Dress Down Day for those who had perfect attendance for ISAT!
Today we wrote out a study guide for our Simple Solutions Test on Lessons 57-60. We corrected SS Lesson 60 and completed a few practice examples.
Go on; Complete 4 assigned quizzes. Record your scores for Monday.
We worked on test corrections from our poetry/figurative language test. We read Cassette 6B together.
Princeton will finish reading Thirteen Reasons Why and compete Reading Guide #4.
Assemble Simple Solutions Packet & study for test on #57-60.
We took our objective test on Nothing But The Truth. We completed our "Short Write" addressing the following question: "How is NBTT an irony?" We worked on test corrections from our poetry/figurative language test.
Assemble Simple Solutions Packet & study for test on #57-60.
Poems (significant male in your life and acrostic) due tomorrow.
find an article on the missing airplane from Malaysia for a C/E due Monday.
Socratic discussion with Team 2. Whole group evaluation
Read chapters 9-12 of novel; Boys continue vocab and character chart; Ladies -- reading study guide.
8th Grade News --
Graduation announced!!! June 3rd!!! Our attendance has been up! Congratulations 8th Grade.
Tomorrow is Dress Down Day for those who had perfect attendance for ISAT!
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Language Arts 3-19-14
Today we discussed and noted another set of vocabulary words for our novel.
We corrected Simple Solutions #59. Teams examined the various tapes and created a summary graphic of who the tape was about and what they did. We shared our information with the whole group.
We continued a Readers' Theatre with our book.
Homework: Read Cassette 6A; finish guided reading sheet #3
SS #60
We finished reading Nothing But the Truth.
We reviewed our homework charts on characters & their motivation. (these were collected)
We took notes on Characters and their motivation.
We corrected Simple Solutions #59.
We read and interpreted "Moth to Son" by Langston Hughes.
create one page of quotes from your book & notes to answer the prompt "How is Nothing but the Truth" an irony? (this is our performance assessment on Thursday; we will also be taking an objective test on the book).
SS #60
Poems drafts -- male figure in our lives; acrostic
We completed our interpretation of two poems: "Speech to the Young" and "Mother to Son."
We finished test corrections and received our answer sheets back to show parents.
Acrostic poems were collected.
We held a Socratic Discussion on our novel with Team 3.
Read chapters 5 to 8 in our novels (Guys: continue vocab and character charts) (Ladies: guided reading for chapters)
SS #60
Today we discussed and noted another set of vocabulary words for our novel.
We corrected Simple Solutions #59. Teams examined the various tapes and created a summary graphic of who the tape was about and what they did. We shared our information with the whole group.
We continued a Readers' Theatre with our book.
Homework: Read Cassette 6A; finish guided reading sheet #3
SS #60
We finished reading Nothing But the Truth.
We reviewed our homework charts on characters & their motivation. (these were collected)
We took notes on Characters and their motivation.
We corrected Simple Solutions #59.
We read and interpreted "Moth to Son" by Langston Hughes.
create one page of quotes from your book & notes to answer the prompt "How is Nothing but the Truth" an irony? (this is our performance assessment on Thursday; we will also be taking an objective test on the book).
SS #60
Poems drafts -- male figure in our lives; acrostic
We completed our interpretation of two poems: "Speech to the Young" and "Mother to Son."
We finished test corrections and received our answer sheets back to show parents.
Acrostic poems were collected.
We held a Socratic Discussion on our novel with Team 3.
Read chapters 5 to 8 in our novels (Guys: continue vocab and character charts) (Ladies: guided reading for chapters)
SS #60
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Language Arts 3-18-14
discussed and noted vocabulary words for Thirteen Reasons Why
took our Poetry and Figurative Language Performance Assessment Part II
Thirteen Reasons Why -- discussed cassette about Clay
Homework: Reread Clay and Cassette 5B to page 232; continue working on Reading Guide #3
Simple Solutions #59
Work on poem about a significant male figure in your life
discussed and noted vocabulary words for Nothing but the Truth
took our Poetry and Figurative Language Performance Assessment Part II
Nothing But The Truth -- discussed character motivation
Homework: Complete character motivation chart
Somebody Wanted But So
Simple Solutions #59
work on poem about a significant male figure in your life
took our Poetry and Figurative Language Performance Assessment Part II
discussed two new novels
Ladies: read chapters 1-4 in Hope Was Here (Guided Reading sheet)
Gentlemen: read chapters 1-4 in The Breadwinner (begin packet; complete "setting," start filling in a chart on the characters & definitions)
Simple Solutions #59
discussed and noted vocabulary words for Thirteen Reasons Why
took our Poetry and Figurative Language Performance Assessment Part II
Thirteen Reasons Why -- discussed cassette about Clay
Homework: Reread Clay and Cassette 5B to page 232; continue working on Reading Guide #3
Simple Solutions #59
Work on poem about a significant male figure in your life
discussed and noted vocabulary words for Nothing but the Truth
took our Poetry and Figurative Language Performance Assessment Part II
Nothing But The Truth -- discussed character motivation
Homework: Complete character motivation chart
Somebody Wanted But So
Simple Solutions #59
work on poem about a significant male figure in your life
took our Poetry and Figurative Language Performance Assessment Part II
discussed two new novels
Ladies: read chapters 1-4 in Hope Was Here (Guided Reading sheet)
Gentlemen: read chapters 1-4 in The Breadwinner (begin packet; complete "setting," start filling in a chart on the characters & definitions)
Simple Solutions #59
Monday, March 17, 2014
Language Arts 3-17-2014
Wearing of the Green! Dress Down Day for Make A Wish was today for a $1.00 donation.
Princeton -- took notes on new vocabulary words for their novel
took a quiz on the next two sections of their novel & graded them
did a review for tomorrow's test
graded Simple Solutions #57 & 58
Began reading together Cassette 4B.
Handed in -- published form and topic poems, Study Guide #2 for our novel.
Homework: read Cassette 4B and 5A; work on Guided Reading Sheet #3
study for test
Yale -- completed a grammar exercise using their novel -- finding nouns, verbs & adjectives
corrected Simple Solutions #57 & 58
took notes on Vocabulary Section II (six new words) for our novel
played a jeopardy review for our poetry test tomorrow
handed in -- published form and topic poems, Discussion questions I and II from our novel
Homework: read Chapter 16; work on Discussion questions Part III
study for test
Harvard -- Completed their performance assessment on The Skin I'm In by writing their short write.
Handed in their theme paper, character traits graphic organizer and short write.
Graded Simple Solutions #57 & 58
Began Socratic Discussions with group I
Peer edited poems.
Homework: read first four chapters of new novel (boys: The Breadwinner girls: Hope was Here)
Study for test
Publish "significant male" poem and "acrostic" poem
8th Grade News:
Blue Man Group final payment of $35.00 due Friday, March 21st
8th Grade fee of $65.00 due Thursday, April 10th
We won a walk to Parisi's!! for having the most people at Saturday's Rummage Sale!!
Princeton -- took notes on new vocabulary words for their novel
took a quiz on the next two sections of their novel & graded them
did a review for tomorrow's test
graded Simple Solutions #57 & 58
Began reading together Cassette 4B.
Handed in -- published form and topic poems, Study Guide #2 for our novel.
Homework: read Cassette 4B and 5A; work on Guided Reading Sheet #3
study for test
Yale -- completed a grammar exercise using their novel -- finding nouns, verbs & adjectives
corrected Simple Solutions #57 & 58
took notes on Vocabulary Section II (six new words) for our novel
played a jeopardy review for our poetry test tomorrow
handed in -- published form and topic poems, Discussion questions I and II from our novel
Homework: read Chapter 16; work on Discussion questions Part III
study for test
Harvard -- Completed their performance assessment on The Skin I'm In by writing their short write.
Handed in their theme paper, character traits graphic organizer and short write.
Graded Simple Solutions #57 & 58
Began Socratic Discussions with group I
Peer edited poems.
Homework: read first four chapters of new novel (boys: The Breadwinner girls: Hope was Here)
Study for test
Publish "significant male" poem and "acrostic" poem
8th Grade News:
Blue Man Group final payment of $35.00 due Friday, March 21st
8th Grade fee of $65.00 due Thursday, April 10th
We won a walk to Parisi's!! for having the most people at Saturday's Rummage Sale!!
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Language Arts 3-14-14
Today we took the poetry assessment on poets & their poems.
Princeton & Yale edited poems assigned for homework: topic and form. Finals are due Monday.
Harvard -- Your assessment sheets are due Monday (themes and characterization - The Skin I'm In). We'll be completed Part III -- the "Short Write" on Monday.
Draft the poem about a significant male figure in your life (dad, grandpa, brother, uncle, etc.)-- the format is on the back of "If I was In Charge of the World"
Have your Socratic Discussion prepared.
Yale -- Finish reading and answer your discussion questions for Part II for Nothing But The Truth. Work on your acrostic poem for one of the main characters.
Princeton -- Finish reading Cassette 4A and finish Guided Reading Sheet #2 in our novel Thirteen Reasons Why. Draft an acrostic poem on one of the main characters.
ALL: review flash cards & notes for final poetry and figurative language assessment on Tuesday.
Princeton & Yale edited poems assigned for homework: topic and form. Finals are due Monday.
Harvard -- Your assessment sheets are due Monday (themes and characterization - The Skin I'm In). We'll be completed Part III -- the "Short Write" on Monday.
Draft the poem about a significant male figure in your life (dad, grandpa, brother, uncle, etc.)-- the format is on the back of "If I was In Charge of the World"
Have your Socratic Discussion prepared.
Yale -- Finish reading and answer your discussion questions for Part II for Nothing But The Truth. Work on your acrostic poem for one of the main characters.
Princeton -- Finish reading Cassette 4A and finish Guided Reading Sheet #2 in our novel Thirteen Reasons Why. Draft an acrostic poem on one of the main characters.
ALL: review flash cards & notes for final poetry and figurative language assessment on Tuesday.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Language Arts 3-13-14
ISAT Math III today! 8th Grade ISATS are done!
All classes:
Today we prepared study guides for tomorrow's test on our poems & poets. We listed the poems presented by our teams, the poet, and a short summary of each one.
Students are also responsible to know:
*the five elements of poetry
*the five ways poets put "sound" in their poetry
*what a two-lined stanza is called
*what is an unstressed stressed foot called?
*what are five feet of the above foot called in poetry?
Current events was collected and published poems.
Harvard: took a test on their novel.
Yale turned in their reading journals.
Homework: (ALL)
Study for the test tomorrow
Simple Solutions #58
Prepare drafts of "topic" poem and "form" poem. (Yale & Princeton)
Continue to work on Acrostic poems (Harvard)
Discussion questions Part I (Yale)
Read Cassette 3A (Princeton)
Work on performance assessment (Harvard)
All classes:
Today we prepared study guides for tomorrow's test on our poems & poets. We listed the poems presented by our teams, the poet, and a short summary of each one.
Students are also responsible to know:
*the five elements of poetry
*the five ways poets put "sound" in their poetry
*what a two-lined stanza is called
*what is an unstressed stressed foot called?
*what are five feet of the above foot called in poetry?
Current events was collected and published poems.
Harvard: took a test on their novel.
Yale turned in their reading journals.
Homework: (ALL)
Study for the test tomorrow
Simple Solutions #58
Prepare drafts of "topic" poem and "form" poem. (Yale & Princeton)
Continue to work on Acrostic poems (Harvard)
Discussion questions Part I (Yale)
Read Cassette 3A (Princeton)
Work on performance assessment (Harvard)
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Language Arts 3-12-14
We finished our poetry presentations. We did a jeopardy review of poetic terms to start preparing for our poetry assessment. The test will consist of three parts: objective -- terms, vocabulary, pick out examples of figurative language, comprehend two poems; poets, their poems and summaries -- match the poems with poets and summaries that we've shared in class; interpretation of two poems.
We took a quiz on our novel, Thirteen Reasons Why. We handed in published poems.
Homework: Read 69 to 92. Be sure guided reading sheet has been completed. Publish poems.
We began our character sheet listing the characters in our novel and listing things that would identify each. This will be due on Monday. We read several excerpts together as a reader's theatre and discussed the progression of Phillip's "untruth."
We edited our poems and handed in published work.
Homework: Read Chapter 15 in your novel. Publish poem.
We wrote out our character sheet listing the main characters in The Skin I'm In. Teams had 15 minutes to identify and then the whole group shared their findings. We discussed stereotyping and discrimination within ethnic groups. Character sheets were handed out (facebook side is for extra effort).
Socratic discussion groups were formed; partners assigned and questions copied down. Pairs need to gather information for the discussion.
We edited "If I Was in Charge of the World." Form poem drafts were returned.
Homework: publish your cinquain, limerick, form and "In Charge." Work on your project for the novel (theme sheet & character sheet).
ALL: Current event due tomorrow (subject: The Ukraine)
We finished our poetry presentations. We did a jeopardy review of poetic terms to start preparing for our poetry assessment. The test will consist of three parts: objective -- terms, vocabulary, pick out examples of figurative language, comprehend two poems; poets, their poems and summaries -- match the poems with poets and summaries that we've shared in class; interpretation of two poems.
We took a quiz on our novel, Thirteen Reasons Why. We handed in published poems.
Homework: Read 69 to 92. Be sure guided reading sheet has been completed. Publish poems.
We began our character sheet listing the characters in our novel and listing things that would identify each. This will be due on Monday. We read several excerpts together as a reader's theatre and discussed the progression of Phillip's "untruth."
We edited our poems and handed in published work.
Homework: Read Chapter 15 in your novel. Publish poem.
We wrote out our character sheet listing the main characters in The Skin I'm In. Teams had 15 minutes to identify and then the whole group shared their findings. We discussed stereotyping and discrimination within ethnic groups. Character sheets were handed out (facebook side is for extra effort).
Socratic discussion groups were formed; partners assigned and questions copied down. Pairs need to gather information for the discussion.
We edited "If I Was in Charge of the World." Form poem drafts were returned.
Homework: publish your cinquain, limerick, form and "In Charge." Work on your project for the novel (theme sheet & character sheet).
ALL: Current event due tomorrow (subject: The Ukraine)
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Language 3-11-14
Today we continued team poetry presentations. We reviewed poets and their poems.
Yale: we edited our cinquains and limericks; we are publishing them tonight. "If I was in Charge of the World was handed in.
Harvard: we handed in our form poems
Princeton: we took a quiz on our novel (the prologue and Cassette I)
All: Current Event due Thursday 3/13 -- choose an article on the situation in the Ukraine.
All: Simple Solutions #57
Princeton &Yale: publish your cinquain and limerick
write a draft of the Biopoem
Be sure all published poems are in by Thursday to achieve full credit.
Today we continued team poetry presentations. We reviewed poets and their poems.
Yale: we edited our cinquains and limericks; we are publishing them tonight. "If I was in Charge of the World was handed in.
Harvard: we handed in our form poems
Princeton: we took a quiz on our novel (the prologue and Cassette I)
All: Current Event due Thursday 3/13 -- choose an article on the situation in the Ukraine.
All: Simple Solutions #57
Princeton &Yale: publish your cinquain and limerick
write a draft of the Biopoem
Be sure all published poems are in by Thursday to achieve full credit.
Monday, March 10, 2014
Language Arts 3-10-14
Today was a regular schedule day!
Room 203 started off with perfect attendance!
In class, we completed an exercise in our Grammar Workbook reinforcing "participles" and introducing "participial phrases." Simple Solutions tests were returned; corrections need to be completed this evening. Those needing to retake this skill test can do so on Thursday morning at 7:15 a.m.
The two main concepts tested were participles and indefinite pronouns. Remember "somebody," "someone" etc. take a singular antecedent.
Poetry teams presented. We examined a variety of works by different authors and continued taking notes as we listened on key concepts such as "symbolism," "tone," "lyric poetry," "narrative poetry."
Begin reviewing the poems and their authors. Reread them. The final assessment will require you to do so. We should be ready for this test by Friday.
Items collected today:
Princeton: published "If I was in Charge of the World" poems and Guided Reading Sheet #1 for Thirteen Reasons Why.
Yale: published "If I was in Charge of the World" poem.
Harvard: published "topic" poem.
ALL: Simple Solution Test corrections on test on Chapters 53, 54, 55, 56
Harvard -- be sure that novel has been completed and theme sheet is filled out citing evidence from your story. You will be writing a performance assessment essay on "theme."
Draft a "form" poem. See the poem on your handout that looks like a sailboat.
Princeton -- Summarize Cassette I side A and B on the cassette drawings that I gave you today.
List the person that the tape is about and a summary of what happened. Why is that person one of the "13" reasons?
Yale -- read next chapter in Nothing but The Truth (14); be prepared to answer questions as a comprehension check quiz. Continue to fill in your character analysis sheet on Miss Narwin and Phillip.
Room 203 started off with perfect attendance!
In class, we completed an exercise in our Grammar Workbook reinforcing "participles" and introducing "participial phrases." Simple Solutions tests were returned; corrections need to be completed this evening. Those needing to retake this skill test can do so on Thursday morning at 7:15 a.m.
The two main concepts tested were participles and indefinite pronouns. Remember "somebody," "someone" etc. take a singular antecedent.
Poetry teams presented. We examined a variety of works by different authors and continued taking notes as we listened on key concepts such as "symbolism," "tone," "lyric poetry," "narrative poetry."
Begin reviewing the poems and their authors. Reread them. The final assessment will require you to do so. We should be ready for this test by Friday.
Items collected today:
Princeton: published "If I was in Charge of the World" poems and Guided Reading Sheet #1 for Thirteen Reasons Why.
Yale: published "If I was in Charge of the World" poem.
Harvard: published "topic" poem.
ALL: Simple Solution Test corrections on test on Chapters 53, 54, 55, 56
Harvard -- be sure that novel has been completed and theme sheet is filled out citing evidence from your story. You will be writing a performance assessment essay on "theme."
Draft a "form" poem. See the poem on your handout that looks like a sailboat.
Princeton -- Summarize Cassette I side A and B on the cassette drawings that I gave you today.
List the person that the tape is about and a summary of what happened. Why is that person one of the "13" reasons?
Yale -- read next chapter in Nothing but The Truth (14); be prepared to answer questions as a comprehension check quiz. Continue to fill in your character analysis sheet on Miss Narwin and Phillip.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Language Arts 3-7-14
ISAT Math I was today!
We began our day editing our homework draft poems and will publish the finals for Monday.
We continued our Poetry Team presentations.
Princeton Homework:
Read Cassette II A & B; finish the guided reading questions (both sides) for Monday. Publish your "If I was in Charge of the World" poem
Yale Homework:
Read Chapters 12 & 13; prepare for a quiz; work on your character trait sheet for Phillip and Miss Narwin; cite evidence; Publish your "If I was in Charge of the World" poem
Harvard Homework:
Finish novel The Skin I'm In. World on "theme" chart. Publish your "Topic" poem. Draft a poem modeled on "If I Was in Charge of the World."
We began our day editing our homework draft poems and will publish the finals for Monday.
We continued our Poetry Team presentations.
Princeton Homework:
Read Cassette II A & B; finish the guided reading questions (both sides) for Monday. Publish your "If I was in Charge of the World" poem
Yale Homework:
Read Chapters 12 & 13; prepare for a quiz; work on your character trait sheet for Phillip and Miss Narwin; cite evidence; Publish your "If I was in Charge of the World" poem
Harvard Homework:
Finish novel The Skin I'm In. World on "theme" chart. Publish your "Topic" poem. Draft a poem modeled on "If I Was in Charge of the World."
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Language Arts 3-6-14
ISAT Reading III today
Poetry presentations.
Yale and Princeton took the Simple Solutions Test on Lessons 53-56 and handed in their packets.
All groups handed in their limerick and cinquain drafts. (Harvard peer edited and kept to publish).
Poetry Team presentations continued. Reread the poems presented and review names of poets.
Harvard: draft a "topic" poem on one of the topics in The Skin I'm In. Read Chapter 20 & 21
Yale & Princeton: draft a poem modeling "If I Was in Charge of the World...."
Princeton: read Cassette IIA- Thirteen Reasons
Yale: read #11 Nothing but The Truth
Poetry presentations.
Yale and Princeton took the Simple Solutions Test on Lessons 53-56 and handed in their packets.
All groups handed in their limerick and cinquain drafts. (Harvard peer edited and kept to publish).
Poetry Team presentations continued. Reread the poems presented and review names of poets.
Harvard: draft a "topic" poem on one of the topics in The Skin I'm In. Read Chapter 20 & 21
Yale & Princeton: draft a poem modeling "If I Was in Charge of the World...."
Princeton: read Cassette IIA- Thirteen Reasons
Yale: read #11 Nothing but The Truth
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Language Arts 3-5-14
Language Arts
All sections received sample sheet of poems. Tonight write drafts of a limerick and cinquain. Choose the character from your novel to complete an Acrostic Poem and begin. This one doesn't have to be completed until we're done with the novel.
We reviewed elements of poetry especially form (lines, stanzas.....)
Poetry presentations began in each section. Students recorded notes on key concepts presented and on the poems that we are reading with the team. Teams are presenting their poems orally, explaining their meaning and providing insight into their themes.
Get binders signed, drafts of a limerick and cinquain, study for Simple Solutions Test on Chapters 53-56, prepare your packet, read your novel.
Harvard -- completed their Simple Solutions test today.
NOVEL: 17, 18, 19
Princeton --
NOVEL: Cassette B
continue comprehension questions
Yale --
NOVEL: #s 9, 10, 11
Begin filling in character table with quotes and page #s from the book (one side Phillip, the other side Miss Narwin)
7:00 a.m. on Thursday 3/6/2014
Students who did poorly on the Genre/Figurative Language Test have the opportunity to retake this test. Check in the office; come to room 203.
Be sure you study your flash cards. Your two grades will be averaged together.
All sections received sample sheet of poems. Tonight write drafts of a limerick and cinquain. Choose the character from your novel to complete an Acrostic Poem and begin. This one doesn't have to be completed until we're done with the novel.
We reviewed elements of poetry especially form (lines, stanzas.....)
Poetry presentations began in each section. Students recorded notes on key concepts presented and on the poems that we are reading with the team. Teams are presenting their poems orally, explaining their meaning and providing insight into their themes.
Get binders signed, drafts of a limerick and cinquain, study for Simple Solutions Test on Chapters 53-56, prepare your packet, read your novel.
Harvard -- completed their Simple Solutions test today.
NOVEL: 17, 18, 19
Princeton --
NOVEL: Cassette B
continue comprehension questions
Yale --
NOVEL: #s 9, 10, 11
Begin filling in character table with quotes and page #s from the book (one side Phillip, the other side Miss Narwin)
7:00 a.m. on Thursday 3/6/2014
Students who did poorly on the Genre/Figurative Language Test have the opportunity to retake this test. Check in the office; come to room 203.
Be sure you study your flash cards. Your two grades will be averaged together.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Language Arts 3-4-14
Language Arts:
ISAT Reading Test I
get a good night's rest & be ready for Reading Test II (tomorrow you write an extended response! -- remember what we learned about good writing in our "Short Writes!". Do your best!
We started a journal entry with two prompts (#12); finish at home; we discussed the beginning of our novel, Thirteen Reasons Why and listened to part of Cassette A. We will be focusing on characterization and theme. As you read, jot down quotes and page #s. Tonight, we'll be reading Cassette A.
Poetry teams met and finalized plans for presentations that begin tomorrow.
We corrected Simple Solutions #56.
Simple Solutions Test is Thursday 3/6; packets will be collected.
We created a journal entry reflecting on "Telling the Truth." (Prompts were passed out to staple inside our notebooks). Finish entries at home. We participated in a Readers' Theatre as we read our novel together. Tonight we'll be reading through chapter 8. NOVEL: Nothing but the Truth
Poetry teams met and finalized plans for presentations that begin tomorrow.
Simple Solutions Test is Thursday 3/6; packets will be collected.
We continued our notes in our red notebook on poetry. We learned various names for meters and number of feet in a meter, including iambic pentameter.
Our poetry teams met and finalized plans for presentations that begin tomorrow.
Simple Solutions Test is on Wednesday 3/5; packets will be collected.
Novel: The Skin I'm In -- read chapters 14, 15, 16
ISAT Reading Test I
get a good night's rest & be ready for Reading Test II (tomorrow you write an extended response! -- remember what we learned about good writing in our "Short Writes!". Do your best!
We started a journal entry with two prompts (#12); finish at home; we discussed the beginning of our novel, Thirteen Reasons Why and listened to part of Cassette A. We will be focusing on characterization and theme. As you read, jot down quotes and page #s. Tonight, we'll be reading Cassette A.
Poetry teams met and finalized plans for presentations that begin tomorrow.
We corrected Simple Solutions #56.
Simple Solutions Test is Thursday 3/6; packets will be collected.
We created a journal entry reflecting on "Telling the Truth." (Prompts were passed out to staple inside our notebooks). Finish entries at home. We participated in a Readers' Theatre as we read our novel together. Tonight we'll be reading through chapter 8. NOVEL: Nothing but the Truth
Poetry teams met and finalized plans for presentations that begin tomorrow.
Simple Solutions Test is Thursday 3/6; packets will be collected.
We continued our notes in our red notebook on poetry. We learned various names for meters and number of feet in a meter, including iambic pentameter.
Our poetry teams met and finalized plans for presentations that begin tomorrow.
Simple Solutions Test is on Wednesday 3/5; packets will be collected.
Novel: The Skin I'm In -- read chapters 14, 15, 16
Monday, March 3, 2014
Language Arts 3-3-14
Today we copied into our black & white notebook a Grammar Review for the next Simple Solutions test on new concepts in Lessons 53-56; we graded our Simple Solutions lessons.
Our poetry teams met, analysed our poems and prepared for our presentations beginning on Wednesday.
Our teams assigned jobs for the evening.
Collected published copies of "Fortunately/Unfortunately" poem, Haiku, and origin Myth.
Classes received their new novels.
Yale: Nothing but The Truth (read the first few pages together)
Princeton: Thirteen Reasons Why
Went over a review of testing strategies for ISAT testing that begins tomorrow.
Team jobs on poetry assignment
Make sure Lessons 55 & 56 are completed
Harvard (in chapters 11-13 in The Skin I'm In)
Our poetry teams met, analysed our poems and prepared for our presentations beginning on Wednesday.
Our teams assigned jobs for the evening.
Collected published copies of "Fortunately/Unfortunately" poem, Haiku, and origin Myth.
Classes received their new novels.
Yale: Nothing but The Truth (read the first few pages together)
Princeton: Thirteen Reasons Why
Went over a review of testing strategies for ISAT testing that begins tomorrow.
Team jobs on poetry assignment
Make sure Lessons 55 & 56 are completed
Harvard (in chapters 11-13 in The Skin I'm In)
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Language Arts 2-28-14
Students finished making corrections to their Genre/Figurative Language Tests and handed them in.
We completed a "Short Write" on the two short stories about "Athena and Arachne." (7-10 sentences)
We added five flash cards to our deck on the Poetic element of "sound" and reviewed terminology we already studied.
We edited each other's haikus and received our rough drafts of our "Fortunately" and "Origin Myths" so that we can publish a final copy for Monday.
Our Poetry teams met to discuss our poems and review jobs.
(Harvard: also took a exit quiz on our novel, The Skin I'm In)
Publish final copies of "Fortunately" and "Origin Myth" (Yale/Harvard: also "Haiku)
Update your flash card deck for grading next week.
Be sure your purple journal is ready for grading next week (we have eleven entries for this marking period).
Jobs assigned by your poetry teams.
(Harvard: also read chapters 6-10 and continue looking for evidence on character traits and themes).
Simple Solutions should be completed from 53 to 56
We completed a "Short Write" on the two short stories about "Athena and Arachne." (7-10 sentences)
We added five flash cards to our deck on the Poetic element of "sound" and reviewed terminology we already studied.
We edited each other's haikus and received our rough drafts of our "Fortunately" and "Origin Myths" so that we can publish a final copy for Monday.
Our Poetry teams met to discuss our poems and review jobs.
(Harvard: also took a exit quiz on our novel, The Skin I'm In)
Publish final copies of "Fortunately" and "Origin Myth" (Yale/Harvard: also "Haiku)
Update your flash card deck for grading next week.
Be sure your purple journal is ready for grading next week (we have eleven entries for this marking period).
Jobs assigned by your poetry teams.
(Harvard: also read chapters 6-10 and continue looking for evidence on character traits and themes).
Simple Solutions should be completed from 53 to 56
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