Welcome Hale Eighth Graders and Parents!

Please visit our blog to find out about what we covered in class, homework assignments and our curriculum goals for Language Arts -- Reading and Writing.

Reminders for the Class of 2015 will also be posted.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Man vs. Nature Book Report

Enjoy your day off on Friday, February 1st.
Finish reading your "man vs. nature" novel.
The assignment:
One sheet of paper:
1. list and define all internal and external conficts that are possible in any story (man vs. man, man vs. society, etc.)
One Sheet of computer paper
2. (at the top): List and explain the primary conflict in your novel and one secondary conflict  (5-10 sentences)
3.(at the bottom): Construct an illustration of your conflict showing the major struggle of the novel.
Due Date:  Friday, February 15th, 2013

Saturday, January 26, 2013

End of the Second Quarter News 1-26-13

All makeup work for the 2nd quarter was due on Friday, 1/25/13.
Papers will all be graded this weekend and entered into Gradebook by late Saturday evening.
If you receive a paper back with a mark on it & it is showing as "missing" you have the opportunity on Monday or Tuesday to show me the paper & I will make the adjustment.
Do not come to me after Tuesday, it will be too late.
Be pro-active.  These are your grades!

The only items that will be entered:
1.  Harvard journals are due on Monday 1/28 all other sections were due last week and were graded.
2.  Portfolio checks will continue on Monday 1/28;  these grades will be entered for the second quarter.
3.  There are a few students that I need to see about a missing test or that need to reprint a page of their powerpoint slide show because it was too dark or too small to grade.  See the list on Monday.  I must have them by the end of the day for regrading.

Genealogy Projects were due on Friday 1/25/2013.

Good time to clean out the lockers,  get new notebooks,  new pencils, pens, colored pencils & notebook paper.

Some of your self-evaluations were wonderful!  You have determined what you are doing wrong & have set in action a plan to change it.  Others have already shown during second quarter how to change bad habits, see teachers for help, practice good study habits and have a postive attitude.  They have seen their grades climb!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Language Arts Weekend 1-18-13

Long weekend!
Celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King -- do some volunteer work on Saturday, National Service Day.
Sunday, January 20th, President Obama will take the oath of office (according to the constitution), but the official ceremonies will take place on Monday, January 21st -- try to watch some coverage!

Current Events Weekend -- try to get an article on the presidency, the inauguration, the challenges ahead for the president.

Genealogy -- continue working on your genealogy projects -- all biographies turned in were edited & returned to be typed (double-spaced);  all should have picked up the poster paper that should be used -- no large poster boards.  FINAL PROJECTS DUE: Friday 1/24/2013.
Oral presentations will start the following week.

Simple Solutions Test 1/23/13 on Lessons 13, 14, 15, 16

Portfolio check and journal check next week.

All should have orally presented their two lines of the Gettysburg Address for a speaking grade.
If you were absent on Friday, be prepared to present on Tuesday.

Enjoy your extra day off.

All late work cut-off:  Friday, January 24th.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Language Arts Weekend of 1-11-13


Monday 1/14/2013
Genealogy Project
    rough draft (typed or written) on one relative -- approximately one page typed, two pages written
    outline of your design for your poster

(YALE only) - Figurative language finals;  skip lines, underline and label each figurative language example.

Friday 1/18/2013
   Non-fiction book report (Powerpoint)
No exceptions -- Mr. McCormick has made the lab available to you every morning from 6:45 - 7:45.
The computers in our rooms are available.  Plan ahead.
   Exception was made for Across Five Aprils which is a historical fiction book. (Actually a great Civil War book, but based on an imaginary family, but very realistic about what people went through during the war and how families were torn between the two sides)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Language Arts Update 1-9-13

WRITING Assessments for end of the quarter:

1.  Demonstrate ability to create alliteration, metaphors, similes, synecdoches, personification, allusions, imagery, onomatopoeia.
Extra: hyperboles, oxymorons and puns
Write a one paragraph essay using examples of the listed terms.  Underline them and label.
Use one of three prompts:  My best present,  My holiday tree,  something I did over vacation
Second rough draft due 1/10
Final due 1/11

2.  Determine one theme of S.E. Hinton in her novel,  The Outsider.  Write it and prove your choice with three pieces of evidence from the story in a one paragraph essay.
Preparation completed in class 1/8 and 1/9
In class assessment 1/10

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Language Arts 1-7-13 to 1-11-13

Simple Solutions:
We finished lesson 13, completed 14 for the weekend;  Complete 15 and 16 on Monday and Tuesday.
Test will be taken on Friday on lessons 13-16; all homework will be handed in as a packet that day.

Genealogy Project:
Show research on Monday 1/7;  design and a draft of your biography is due 1/14;
posters are available

Non-fiction Book report:
handout was provided for the six frame powerpoint. Students without computers should write their powerpoint out and schedule a morning to come in early to work on their powerpoint at school.
Due Friday 1/ 18/13.